; ; ; FOOTBALL IS OUR GAME ! ~ the firm ultras


vendredi 31 janvier 2014


" Cacarsi cock saves lives ," he wrote on his blog the good Amlo months ago.
Nothing could be more true, thanks to the " do not want to do something " I can every day to avoid any possible break in as a huge obstacle . But alas, sometimes I can not and the results are the worst.
A few nights ago I fell with all his pants.
Hardly watch TV but , in the absence of another , one in the morning I had to settle for what was passing the convent . About every time we lose near to Italia 1 , the title of the article is easy to understand and speak of that program where I'm going with .
As I watched aghast the transmission , realizing that qualunquismi such nonsense and said that they were not even my nephew last two years , I was flying with the mind long ago, when football was really our game, that of the mass of ordinary people , of the people. The football was not born in the salons , was born in the middle of the road , in the grass of the fields and cement houses . He was not born to enhance the athletic feats , of which a few were capable of, but to unite and have fun through the student spirit , the rivalry , the desire to win . It was imported by us through ports by sailors who were homesick, not by speculators seeking interests .
I wonder who or what has allowed all this? You only really blame the companies or hacks ? Or maybe we have forgotten what it was we first football is not rejecting the Scrooge shift that gave us samples ? How many of us have said , "Enough ! " But then continue undeterred to support this world? Sure, we say that football would not exist without the ultras , but beyond that ? The total blank ! We have fought in every way, every type of regulation , making divert attention from the objective things , like a man screaming against a front of him and does not realize that they are doing behind your wallet, finding himself at the end and without nervous a penny .
And now what? You can go back? What shall we say ? What shall we do ?
I say that we must first rinnamorarci football and support the real one , and above all take a step back and think . Just scream at the world , we scream against ourselves ! Cheer a great team ? Well, follow the youth . Do you live in a small town or a huge city? There will be thousands of teams that will represent you to the best and that they need you . Interrupt the chain! Remember that without viewers there would be no show and no one could eat off the show . Take back before all the football and then the spaces, because if not we will have to earn the spaces will come back on their own and finally we will be the only ones with 22 guys on the field of honor and color from father to son as it has always been and how it should return .


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