; ; ; Derby, the loyalists there will be ! ~ the firm ultras


vendredi 31 janvier 2014

Derby, the loyalists there will be !

The Stairways South will split in the next derby , Ultras Tito out of the stadium and instead Fedelissimi their usual seats .
In recent days, there had been the stance of the Ultras Tito Cucchiaroni , and that is not to enter the stadium while buying the tickets . "No, we will not go , but our will is , however, to defend our place in steps, the same place that we have earned through years of militancy , a place we want to strongly left blank in sign of protest. The greater will be our sacrifice , so great will be the sign that we leave ! Sampdoria forward . "

Yesterday there was the statement of another one of the main groups of the South Stairs , the 61 loyalists who have routinely at the bottom. They instead will enter the stadium. This is the full text of their statement:

"Once again we find ourselves in front of yet another attack against us fans from the whole world of football and all institutions. The modern game has thrown a new infamy against the entire city, making the Derby Genoa just like any game of trivial media , the Genoa Derby does not deserve a better time since in the same round of league matches there are more important . The needs of the fans can not be compared to the turnover of television , the popular passion that weight if you want to have the other side it is business of millions of Euros . Fans of modern football should be only spectators , even better if viewers from the couch. The modern football that the fans want they travel to the stadium only if all " members" and previously authorized , the modern football does not want inside the stadium banners, drums and sound systems because they are symbols of freedom of expression and folklore . The modern football wants of the customers and not the fans, we want outside the stadiums , because we are the antithesis to everything , we are friends , gathering and cheering for free, and as long as we do so we will go on our steps bellowing and hands raised . During the 2006/2007 season , after the events of Catania and the following introduction of the Act which provided for the prohibition Melandri to join our banner , we were deprived of our symbol and a part of our history , so we decided own to suspend all activities until the end of the season to reflect on the future of our Club 's decision was neither simple nor immediate , some of the boys followed Samp outside the stadium , but in the end it was decided to continue , it was decided to discontinue the autosuspend and get back to our place in the South there was removed but there was very taken our essence, from that day it was decided to express our fight against modern football from the inside of the modern game itself, from the inside of the stadium . We will enter the Derby and will do it again whenever we can do so without authorization and in full freedom ; against this shot, against whom we would like to erase from the face of the earth and to support Sampdoria Football Union . Our struggle , our form of dissent is our very presence ! ".


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